Wednesday, November 19, 2008

peruvian potatos

This article was slightly interesting and stressed the importance of the potato here in Perú.
I guess I will just have to embrace the potato diet! excerpt:

"Peru produces an average of 3.2 million tons of potatoes, which are cultivated by about 600,000 producers, mostly in the high Andean zones, that is, we have a production potential to meet both domestic and foreign market demands," he said.

Similarly, the director of the International Potato Center, Pamela Anderson, said that the potato is the third basic food consumed by people worldwide, after rice and wheat.

"Our ongoing goal is to promote the research and conservation of potato varieties in the world, especially in Peru, to ensure food security of the population," she said.


Ashley said...

Us Idahoans have known the greatness of the potato for years. And did you know that the UN declared it the year of the potato? Potatoes contain all of the nutrients you need to survive, except one (which can be found in milk). Yeah, I am a treasure chest of potato knowledge :-) Love the post!

em said...

so does that mean that someone could live on robyn hawkins' scalloped potatoes (potatoes+milk) alone?

i volunteer to try.