Sunday, November 23, 2008

sleepover in the police station

No, I didn't get arrested.  My students, Alex and I slept on the floor of a Police Station while in Aguas Calientes.  It was free, but not very comfortable.

Right outside the train station.
Trash cans are a novelty in Peru...
which is why I was shocked that in this town, they even distinguished between "organic" and "inorganic" trash!
One of the mothers came along, but really only spoke Quechua, making it hard to communicate.  Nevertheless, she was hilarious.
Kind of like in Europe, but not so classy.
Little shrines to Mary always popup all around.
Wobbly bridges in Aguas Calientes.
One of our students on the railroad tracks.
It's 6am, which is why she looks so tired.

Wake up, ladies!!

Note, we fit about 4 girls on every 2 foam pads.
So sleepy.

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