Sunday, November 23, 2008

one of the 7 (new) wonders of the world

Machu Picchu has now been named one of the "7 New Wonders of the World."

It was wonderous to say the least.

Yes, Alex and I have matching scarfs.
Now, she wants to trade (I feel like I'm in the 2nd grade again).
What do you think??

The girls got a kick out of this joke I cracked:
(translation: "Llama, call me!")
Some students in a secret room we found hidden in the ruins.

Some students and profes gazing out over the view.
Just as incredible as the ruins were the surrounding mountains.
I've never seen anything like them.

So beautiful.
How the Incans carved these stones so perfectly is beyond me.
Needless to say, I am impressed.

Here is the police station where we slept with the girls.
It was free.
It was loud.
It did not consist of much sleeping.

Here is one of our students carrying Inca Cola (which is disgusting, in my opinion).

I love this picture.

This was my first glimpse of Machu Picchu.
Needless to say, I was disappointed and very worried about that day's weather.

The sun did come out...
and it was a perfect day.

All of the profes together!

Alex and I with some students.

Profe Gladis foung a sweet window.

The view from under a straw canopy.

This llama was hilarious.

These are called the "Espejos" (translated: "mirrors").  They were used to reflect the position of the stars in the sky which then determined their calendar.

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