Tuesday, September 23, 2008

peruvian mannequins

The mannequins here are out of this world.  I know it seems like the last thing one would notice about a culture, but trust me - Peruvian mannequins are highly noticeable (and at times a bit frightening).  Take a look at some extra special ones.

Small alien children.  Note that this was not a children "store" per say, neither was it meant to be funny.  These mannequins stood right next to "normal-looking ones."

If you want to go out on the town, just swing by this place and check out these scary mannequins!

This is supposed to be a woman.

This is the most frightening one of all.  Scary, screaming child with black eyeliner, footie pajamas and meant to display LOTS of bras.

This one is just downright ugly.

This one wears a ski cap and a black silk corset over a pink frilly t-shirt.  Oh, and note that most of the mannequins are tied to a post or the store front with a big, thick rope around their necks.  See below. 

What diversity we have here!  Bald orange girls next to drugged out little boy, next to small albino children.

The also don't usually smile.  In fact, the one on the left appears to be scowling.

This one had particularly interesting hair.  Needless to say, this mannequin did not compel me to buy this dress.

I have quite an affect on men.


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