Sunday, November 16, 2008

GirlSportWorks Fundraiser

As many of you may know, my co-worker, Alexandra Behles, and I have spent the last four months managing a non-profit organization called GirlSportWorks in Cusco, Perú.  As program managers we organize and facilitate an after-school program for young girls throughout the Cusco region.  Our program focuses on physical education as a means for promoting self-esteem, physical fitness and cooperation in a welcoming, all-female environment.  We teach our girls a variety of sports that they would otherwise never have had the opportunity to learn in the male-dominated sports culture of Perú.

Cultural excursions are another element of the program, as it provides our girls the opportunity to explore the importance of the rich history within their midst.  Machu Picchu, one of the New 7 Wonders of the World, sits in Cusco's backyard, but many of our students have never had the opportunity to visit this miraculous site. This past year, we were able to take a class of girls to Machu Picchu, giving them an intense appreciation for the richness of their country and the importance of the history around them.  This was all made possible by donations of family, friends and generous supporters. 

As Perú is a country of incredible craftsmanship, we want to offer all donors a piece of Peruvian art as a token of appreciation for your generous support. These tiles are handmade by Peruvian craftsmen and craftswomen and can be found adorning stores and restaurants in Cusco, 100% of the proceeds of this fundraiser will come right back to Perú to fund our program. The suggested donation is $6 for one tile or $10 for two tiles, but please feel free to donate as much as you are able.  The pictures provided below are just a sample, but these tiles come in hundreds of unique designs and colors.

Please e-mail your orders to with your name, order quantity and mailing address.  

Checks can be made out to GirlSportWorks with "Tile Fundraiser" in the memo, then mailed to:

510 N. Bristol Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Please submit your orders by Friday, December 8th and Jennifer will ship the tiles upon her return to the states on December 15th. We will also be happy to accommodate any color requests.

Please feel free to pass this message along to family and friends who may be interested in supporting our program. 
We thank you for your support and we hope you have a very happy holiday season!

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